Thursday, April 9, 2020

New weekly inputting goals

Last week we completed 35 RecIds (veterans). This was about 1.2% of the sample and brought our completion to 23% of the sample.

To complete 24% of the sample, we only need to complete 28 RecIds to reach a total of 679.

We can do better than that (as demonstrated last week). If we complete 35 RecIds, that will bring out total to 686 or 24.27% complete.

So the goal for this week is again to complete 35 RecIds.

I was also asked to make a goal for how many grandchildren to complete. Currently we have completed 8,172 or 24.35% of the grands in the database. Last week we completed 424 grandchildren.

Here are a couple of options for goals:

  • 25% = 8,391 (must complete 219 grands)
  • 25.5% = 8,559 (must complete 387 grands)
  • 26% = 8727 (must complete 555 grands)

Please keep in mind that these percentages for grandchildren might change. This is because we both add and subtract grandchildren from the database. We also know that the number of grandchildren we must finish to complete 1% of the sample is not related to the number of RecIds we must finish, because the number of grandchildren each soldier has varies.

All that being said, I think a good stretch goal for grandchildren would be to try and complete 555 to reach 26%.

What do you all think?

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