Monday, September 28, 2015

Maiden names on the family tree

One of you had a questions about listing women under their maiden names on the Ancestry family tree. Here is Sandy's explanation.

The females should always be by maiden name.  This, I believe, is an Ancestry recommendation and standard for genealogy, but I couldn't find where I had read that before.  We can see what a female's married name is by virtue of her placement on the tree.  This way the veteran's daughters will all have his last name and can easily be differentiated by daughters-in-law with the same first name as the daughters.  If we are using maiden names for some females, it makes sense to keep the tree consistent and have all females listed with maiden names.  You can mark the married name as an alternate name.  From reading comments on Ancestry, it is apparent that the computer will know a female's married name and still give you hints for her with a married name even though her maiden name is the name that shows on the tree.  The other advantage of having the maiden name show is because it is a constant.  The married name may change if the person gets married more than once.  If we don't know the maiden name, then she should show up on the tree with first name only.

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