Tuesday, October 25, 2016

A note about household numbers

Back when we first began doing the VCC projects, our rules for assigning household numbers were a little different. The screens do not require that one person/individual/head of household/PID have the same household number across census decades. So John might be HH 1 in 1910 and HH 2 in 1920.

We figured out that this is a nightmare for inputting and checking work. We changed the rules so that the household number (with occasional exceptions that you're all familiar with) follows the individual across decades.

The first soldiers we worked on were from Ohio (RecId numbers begin with 24), so you might have noticed that individuals have multiple household numbers. This might be confusing. While you're checking the work that was previously done, please make sure you change the household numbers so that they conform to our current rules. So John will be HH1 in both 1910 and 1920. If you have trouble figuring it out, please email us (Sandy and me) and ask for assistance.

Let me know if you have questions.

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