Monday, May 11, 2020

Just for fun - occupations

Sandy sent this along.

For fun, can you tell what these occupations and industries are without looking at the manuscript? (as indexed in 1940) in North Dakota all from several pages in a row.  They weren't really that hard to read.    Some of them cracked me up.

Electrican -- Powa Go

Scanterss -- at home

Carpenter -- Body Instruction

Clerk -- Rital grocery

Wastry Cook -- Cofe

Scenstress -- At home

Odd work -- Grocery Slon

Station Engineer -- Pump home

Locomotive Empmre

Naking care of children -- private family

Oil Basines -- Private

Housework - Trwot

Housekeeper -- Prost

Passer --  Parisl

Haw Driver -- Beauty Shop

Buttonmaker -- Creamery  

Electrical -- Electric Brassieres  (my personal favorite)

Here are some that you wouldn't necessarily know are wrong without looking at them. (Correct word is in parenthesis)

Salesman -- Dresses (Wholesale)
Binder -- Private Co (Printing co)
Salesman -- Meat machine (Meat market)
Oil Engineer -- Meta factory  (Civil Engineer -- Metal Factory)

And these stumped me.  I think I partially figured them out.  Ideas? Feel free to submit guesses in the comments: 

Indexed as: Mummropi Acoerting


Indexed as:   fireman stationary -- attorney painter


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