Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Instructions for the Grandchildren sample

Here is the first draft of instructions for our new Grandchildren sample. These are subject to change. As you work on your assigned soldiers, please make note of questions and concerns you have. We will have a meeting to address them. Please pardon the formatting problems.

Instructions for the Grandchildren Sample
·         Collect birth and death information for all grandchildren of each veteran in the sample using online sources ( and
·         Input data in the Death Screen found in the GRANDS database of the VCC screens.

·         Data from a variety of records (birth, death, military, etc.) will be input on a single screen.
·         Inputters will have to jump around the data-entry screen to find the appropriate field to input data. This is a change from census collection, because census screens were designed to follow the order of the census manuscript.

·         Enter the most complete name for the target individual. That means, you may input it from multiple records.
·         Enter names in the following format:
o   Last name, First name Middle initial (comments)
o   Comments include: Nee (maiden name), nicknames, titles, Jr., Sr., etc.
o   If you don’t know whether a name is a woman’s maiden name, enter it in the Last name position
o   If an individual has multiple last names, separate them with commas
o   If the last name or first name is missing, you may hold the position in the name with (blank)

Hierarchy of Records:
·         Use the best source for each field
·         For Death Records (best to worst):
o   Death certificate
o   Social Security Death Index (SSDI)
o   Other death indexes
o   Obituaries
o   Other death records/registers
o   Find A Grave
o   Public Family Trees
·         For Birth Records (best to worst):
o   Birth certificate
o   Birth index
o   Other birth records/registers
o   Death records
o   Draft cards
o   Public Family Trees

Complete each child of the veteran before beginning work on the next child.
·         Do not work on children simultaneously.
·         Add all PersonIds to Ancestry tree for the child of the veteran’s family first.
·         Use the Household view to help input PersonIds into the Ancestry tree.
·         Use for individuals who you think lived until at least the mid-1990s.
·         If there are missing census decades for the CHILDREN of the veteran, and you locate them in the normal course of your work, input those decades even if you must create new households. Do not search for them just to fill in holes on the grid.
·         It might be easier to complete the log after completing the work for the family of each child of the veteran. This will also help you check that you didn’t miss any information.

Input Log:
·         The input log has the following fields:
o   Recruit ID: Veteran’s RecId number (carried over from previous data samples)
o   Name: Including the name of the veteran, his children, and his grandchildren
o   Person ID: The person ID that is found in the VCC database. It is the unique 2- or 3-digit identifier for each individual on the VCC grid.
o   Relation (to soldier): This is the relationship of the individual named on the row to the veteran (soldier).
o   Parent: The name of the parent of the individual named on the row.
o   Order: The order in which the families are to be completed in the sample.
o   Inputter: Name of the inputter assigned to complete the work for a particular RecId.
o   Birth date: Inputters will indicate the following for the individual named on the row:
§  X: Found and added birth date to data. Record a birth year as a birth date.
§  NF: Did not find birth date
§  E: Birth date already exists in data
o   Death date: Inputter will indicate the following for the individual named on the row:
§  X: Found and added death date to data
§  NF: Did not find death date
§  E: Death date already exists in data
§  L: Living at time of data collection
o   Death Cause: Inputter will indicate the following for the individual named on the row:
§  X: Found and added death cause to data
§  NF: Did not find cause date
§  E: Death cause already exists in data
§  L: Living at time of data collection
o   1930: Inputter will indicate the following for the individual named on the row:
§  X: Found individual named on row in the 1930 census and added link to data
§  NF: Did not find individual named on row in the 1930 census
§  D: Individual named on row is dead in 1930
o   1940: Inputter will indicate the following for the individual named on the row:
§  X: Found individual named on row in the 1940 census and added link to data
§  NF: Did not find individual named on row in the 1940 census
§  D: Individual named on row is dead in 1940
o   Total Time: Time spent collecting and inputting data for ALL individuals associated with RecId
o   GED Saved: Data manager will complete this field after completed GEDCOM files are saved to the file server

1.       Receive a list of RecIds and GEDCOM files for your assignment
2.       Upload GEDCOM to Ancestry
3.       Log in to the GRANDS database of the VCC screens
a.       Please note that in addition to the veteran’s children being highlighted in green, and his spouses being highlighted in red, his grandchildren are highlighted in purple.
4.       For the Veteran, his spouse, children, grandchildren that are already entered on the VCC grid, enter the PersonID (this number is on the input log) for each individual onto the family tree
a.       Enter the 2- or 3-digit PersonID into the name Suffix field
b.      Format for PersonId on family tree is “underscore digit digit”: (e.g.) _00, _05, _12, _125
c.       If there is already information in the Suffix field, such as Jr. or Sr., enter this information in parenthesis after the first name.
5.       If the veteran’s grandchild is not on the grid, add her/him to both the grid and the input log.
a.       If you are adding a child to the grid, whose second parent (the spouse of the veteran’s child) is not on the grid, please add the second parent before adding the child.
b.      Add inferred relations for each child (parent and 2nd parent)
6.       For each of the veteran’s BIOLOGICAL grandchildren, search Ancestry and Family Search for all the information on the Death Screen (see below for field instructions)
a.       See the VCC manual for additional tips and instructions for online searching of records.
7.       Input data into the death screen
8.       Update input log as shown above

Death Screen Fields:
·         Quality Code
o   See VCC Census quality codes for instructions. A ranking of 1 to 4, indicating the strength of the death record found.
·         Living?
o   Check this box if the individual is living at the time you are doing the research. Only check this box if you have confirmed the individual is alive. Do not check this box if you are only missing a death date. Do not infer that the individual is alive.
·         Name
o   Name of the target individual. Input the most complete name for the individual, even if it comes from multiple documents. Enter name in standard name format (see above).
·         Died Between: From – To
o   If no exact death date is found, you may enter a range. Input the range of years between which death is inferred to have taken place. Infer death between census decades based on the spouse being listed as a widow/widower.
·         M/F
o   Always input this field. Input M (Male), F (Female), U (Unknown).
·         Death Date
o   Input individual's death date in the format MMDDYYY exactly as recorded in the source record. If part of the date is missing, use a dash (-) to replace it.
·         Age at Death
o   Input individual’s age at death exactly as written on the source record. Do NOT infer or calculate.
·         Primary Cause of Death
o   The primary cause of the individual's death. Input exactly what is written in the source record.
·         Years Months Days
o   This is the duration of the individual's primary cause of death. Input exactly what is written in the source record.
·         Contributory Cause of Death
o   The contributing cause of the individual's death. Input exactly what is written in the source record.
·         Years Months Days
o   This is the duration of the individual's contributory cause of death. Input exactly what is written in the source record.
·         Other Significant Conditions
o   Other medical conditions listed on the death certificate. Input exactly what is written in the source record.
·         Place of Death: Street
o   Input the street address or institution where the individual died.
·         Place of Death: City                                                                                                                                                        
o   Input the city, town, township, or other division of the county where the individual died.  Input exactly what is written.  If the designation “township” (sometimes abbreviated TWP or TP) is written on the manuscript, be sure to enter TWP into this field, e.g. SCIOTO TWP.
·         Place of Death: County                                                                                                                                                 
o   Input the county where the individual died.  Input exactly what is written. 
·         Place of Death: State                                                                                                                                                     
o   Input the state where the individual died.  Input the standard 2-letter postal codes for the states (see Appendix A in the VCC manual for more information). 
·         Place of Death: Ward                                                                                                                                                    
o   Input the ward where the individual died.  Input exactly what is written.
·         Cemetery: Name                                                                                                                                                            
o   Input the name of the cemetery where the individual is buried.  Input exactly what is written.
·         Cemetery: City                                                                                                                                                                 
o   Input the city where the individual is buried.  Input exactly what is written.
·         Cemetery: County
o   Input the county where the individual is buried.  Input exactly what is written.
·         Cemetery: State                                                                                                                                                              
o   Input the state where the individual is buried.  Input the standard 2-letter postal codes for the states (see Appendix Ain the VCC manual for more information). 
·         Informant Name
o   Name of the informant from the death certificate. Input in standard name format.
·         Note
o   Information from the death certificate about the informant. Do not input the informant’s address. The most common note will be the relationship of the informant to the decedent. Type exactly as written on the death record.
·         Marital Status
o   At time of death. Select Married (M), Single (S), Divorced (D), Widowed (W).
o   If your source is Find a Grave, you may use the death date of the spouse to help determine the marital status of the decedent.
·         Spouse's Name
o   At time of death. Input the spouse's name exactly as it appears on the death record using our standard name format LAST NAME, FIRST NAME MIDDLE INITIAL (COMMENTS). Do NOT take this information from the census.
o   If the source is the Social Security Death Index, input all the married names in the standard name format. This index will also give you the maiden name, which should also be input in the parenthesis with Nee.
·         Occupation (of Deceased)
o   Input the individual's occupation at time of death exactly as it is written on the death record.
·         Industry (of Deceased)
o   Input the industry of the individual's occupation at time of death exactly as it is written on the death record.
·         Remarks
o   Additional information that doesn’t fit in the fields. Label each remark with the field name it relates to.
·         Birth Date
o   Input the individual's date of birth exactly as it appears on the birth record using the format MMDDYYY. If there is no birth record, input the date from the death or other record. If the date on the record does not make sense, do NOT input it. Count it as egregious and leave it blank. Do not infer this date from age at death. If part of the date is missing, use a dash (-) to replace it.
·         Quality code
o   Quality code for birth date. See VCC Census quality codes for instructions. A ranking of 1 to 4, indicating the strength of the death record found.
·         Birth City                                                                                                                                                                             
o   Input the city, town, township, or other division of the county where the individual was born.  Input exactly what is written on the death certificate.  If the designation “township” (sometimes abbreviated TWP or TP) is written on the manuscript, be sure to enter TWP into this field, e.g. SCIOTO TWP.
·         Birth County                                                                                                                                                                      
o   Input the county where the individual was born.  Input exactly what is written on the death certificate. 
·         Birth State                                                                                                                                                                          
o   Input the state where the individual was born.  Input the standard 2-letter postal codes for the states (see Appendix A in VCC manual for more information).
·         Father's Name
Input the individual's father's name exactly as it appears on the death or birth record. Do NOT take the name from census records. Input using our standard name format LAST NAME, FIRST NAME MIDDLE INITIAL (COMMENTS).
·         Birthplace: City                                                                                                                                                                 
o   Input the city, town, township, or other division of the county where the individual's father was born.  Input exactly what is written on the death or birth record.  If the designation “township” (sometimes abbreviated TWP or TP) is written on the manuscript, be sure to enter TWP into this field, e.g. SCIOTO TWP.
·         Birthplace: County                                                                                                                                                          
o   Input the county where the individual's father was born.  Input exactly what is written on the death or birth record. 
·         Birthplace: State                                                                                                                                                              
o   Input the state where the individual's father was born.  Input the standard 2-letter postal codes for the states (see Appendix A in the VCC manual for more information).
·         Mother's Name
o   Input the individual's mother's name exactly as it appears on the death or birth record. Do NOT take the name from census records. Input using our standard name format LAST NAME, FIRST NAME MIDDLE INITIAL (COMMENTS).
·         Birthplace: City 
o   Input the city, town, township, or other division of the county where the individual's mother was born.  Input exactly what is written on the death or birth record.  If the designation “township” (sometimes abbreviated TWP or TP) is written on the manuscript, be sure to enter TWP into this field, e.g. SCIOTO TWP.
·         Birthplace: County                                                                                                                                                          
o   Input the county where the individual's mother was born.  Input exactly what is written on the death or birth record. 
·         Birthplace: State                                                                                                                                                              
o   Input the state where the individual's mother was born.  Input the standard 2-letter postal codes for the states (see Appendix A in the VCC manual for more information).
·         Sources (check all that apply)
o   Ancestry
o   Family Search
o   Birth Record
o   Public Family Tree
o   Find a Grave
o   Obituaries
o   HDVS
o   Death Certificate
o   Social Security Death Index or Life Claim
§  Enter Social Security Number in text box after checking this source
o   Mil Info
o   Other
§  Enter other sources not on the list
o   Death Index
§  If you don’t have a death certificate, enter death certificate number from death indexes
·         Link
o   Hyperlink for information input on death screen. Links to the best or most complete sources of information should be used.
·         Second Link
o   Hyperlink for information input on death screen. Links to the best or most complete sources of information should be used.
·         1930 Census (check box)
o   Check this box if you find the target individual in the 1930 census. Do NOT check the box if the individual was already found during previous data collection and input in the 1930 census.
o   When you check the 1930 Census box, the following fields will appear. Input them exactly as they appear on the 1930 census manuscript.
§  Marital Status
§  Occupation
§  Industry
§  Veteran?
§  Which War?
§  Head of Household?
·         If you check this box indicating that the individual is the head of household, two additional fields appear. Input them exactly as they appear on the 1930 census manuscript.
o   Owns/Rents
o   Value of Home
§  1930 Census URL
·         Paste hyperlink to the 1930 census manuscript.
·         1940 Census (check box)
o   Check this box if you find the target individual in the 1940 census. Do NOT check the box if the individual was already found during previous data collection and input in the 1940 census.
o   When you check the 1940 Census box, the following fields will appear. Input them exactly as they appear on the 1940 census manuscript.
§  Marital Status
§  Grade Completed
§  Occupation
§  Industry
§  Income
§  Other Income
§  Head of Household?
·         If you check this box indicating that the individual is the head of household, two additional fields appear. Input them exactly as they appear on the 1940 census manuscript.
o   Owns/Rents
o   Value of Home
§  1940 Census URL
·         Paste hyperlink to the 1940 census manuscript.
·         Submit
o   Click the Submit button to save data input on screen.
·         Cancel
o   Click the Cancel button to exit the screen without saving data input on screen.
·         Delete
o   Click the Delete button to delete ALL data input on screen.

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