Monday, June 6, 2016

Updating birth and death places on the family tree to generate hints

Donna suggested the following tip to her checkee to help generate better hints on the family tree.

For the place of birth and death of the soldier, I like to input a place Ancestry recognizes. I find this helps Ancestry generate better hints. It doesn’t always help though, and it isn’t required.

For example, the mil info gives place of birth as Telmurker, NW. Ancestry doesn’t recognize this place though because Telmurker is a misspelling and NW is a generated code. Since Norway is so unusual, I would change it to only Norway without the city name.

Mil info gives place of death as Rochester, Olmista, MN. Ancestry doesn’t recognize this because Olmista is a misspelling of Olmstead. To figure out Olmista was Olmstead, I started deleting what had been input until Ancestry gave me an option in the drop down box. This doesn’t always work though because the places are too misspelled or they don't exist anymore. In those cases, I just put in the state.

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