Monday, June 27, 2016

Saving URLs in the VCC screens

We discovered that when saving URLs, the VCC screens turn them into all capital letters. Because of this, when we go back into the screens to get Family Search links, they do not work. The Ancestry links do work. We don't know when we will get this problem corrected.

If you find the census using Family Search, please go back to Ancestry and save that URL into the screens. Sorry for the inconvenience.


  1. I got an email that Family Search will be down all day today. They will be updating and fixing problems. Maybe this is an issue they will work on.

  2. I've noticed this problem before. A work around I found is instead of saving the URL of the actual document on FamilySearch, you can save the URL of the record page for the document. I don't know why, but this seems to work.

    But that all might be moot if FamilySearch is fixing the problem anyway.

