Monday, March 7, 2016

VCC People to Be Deleted from Grid

This is just a reminder to be careful when entering information into the People to be deleted Google doc. Some of you do an excellent job. You enter all RecIds and PIDs correctly, and you give me proper instructions as to what you need done.

Some of you have a little more difficulty. When you're adding soldiers to the Google doc, please keep in mind the following:

  • Type the RecId correctly. I do not have time to go hunt down your assignment and get the correct RecId.
  • Type the correct PIDs in the correct fields. If you want a PID entirely deleted, please don't type it in the PID to be modified field. I will get confused. I try not to make assumptions about your intentions.
  • Be sure that your instructions make sense. Please remember that I haven't been studying these families for several hours, and what makes sense to you might not make sense to me.
    • Please give clear, concise information so I understand what needs to be done.
  • Hit "Enter" or "Tab" after you enter information in the last field. If you just leave your cursor in the last box you typed in, then I can't see what you typed. This happens a lot.
After I've made the changes, please check the Google doc and answer the following:
  • Was the change made correctly?
  • Is the line highlighted pink, indicating that I had a question?
A little more care and attention will help me make the requested changes in a timely fashion.

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