Monday, August 24, 2015

Quality code 2, checking, etc.

There seems to be some confusion about what constitutes a quality code 2.

Quality code 2 is name, age, and 2 other things from the following list:
  • Living where expected (or adjacent county) near birth place, enlistment, marriage, or near previous known residence
  • Matching skilled occupation
  • Uncommon name
  • Middle initial (and first name) match from what you know in mil info or previous QC1 or 2 census
  • Matching birth place of child or parent,especially if other than the state where he is currently residing.
  • You find the child of your veteran with a spouse for whom you have a marriage record without parents' names, but the marriage took place in county there the child was known to be living at the time.
  • Birth month and year in 1900 census match to mil info or other good source.  (I would also count if the birth month matches exactly and the birth year given is within one year of the expected year of birth).
Make sure you review quality codes periodically.

Speaking of reviewing . . . Checkers, please go to the most recent version of the training manual and review the format for your check sheets. Please follow the format. One change from the format that is OK, is add a summary at the bottom of the major issues or improvements you noticed while checking.

Don't forget state codes. If you are still being checked, please read the list of state codes in your manual. You are still assuming you know them when you don't. Please email me to let me know you've read the codes. You might also want to review the blog post in which state codes were discussed.

On the whole, it looks like everyone is improving, and that's great.

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