Now that you know what you're doing, you can start to pay attention to the details. It looks like your checks aren't usually covering any new ground. They detail mostly little, but important, things. You can significantly improve your checks by making sure to glance at the information before you hit submit. Look for the following:
- Make sure the name input matches the name on the manuscript! This is missed A LOT. It's important to get this right!
- Are all the appropriate fields filled in?
- Do any of the fields look weird, like perhaps you were off and entered data in the wrong field?
- Check Household View and make sure you assigned everyone the correct household number.
Before you hit COMPLETE:
- There should be no red Xs for any of the census decades or the death screen.
- If you have death information in addition to the Mil Info, make sure all of it is entered.
- Make sure ALL of the soldier's children are on the Grid, even if you never found them in the census.
A note about the input logs:
- If the soldier had no children, write "no evidence of children," or some variation of that phrase on the log. I need to know this, because these soldiers will be dropped from the sample, though the information about the soldier will be kept.
- If the soldier had children and a spouse, but you could not find any of them in the census, write "no additional households," or some variation of that phrase on the log.
I know all of you are capable of fixing these errors. I hope you'll all be off 100% checks soon. Feel free to share any hints you use to prevent these problems in the comments section.
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