Monday, February 1, 2016

Project 2 - USCT

If you've been working on a Project 2 - USCT assignment, I would like feedback from you.

Here are some things for you to consider:

  • How does it compare to Project 1?
  • Do your soldiers have a lot of kids or very few?
  • What are your overall impressions of the work?
  • Anything you think I might find useful in evaluating the project
I've noticed that some of you are burning through USCT assignments really fast. Others of you are moving very slowly. Why is this? Are there some assignments for which the soldiers have lots of kids? How are you at giving up? As experienced inputters, you know when you have enough information to make a match.

We've noticed that sometimes the Mil Info is not uploading correctly to the Project 2 database. If you notice that the extant data has QC 1s and 2s that don't make sense based on what you see in the Mil Info, please stop work on the soldier and email the name and RecId. I'll be able to figure out what you should do with that data.

Any feedback you can provide on Project 2 will help us all be better at collecting this sample.

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