Monday, January 4, 2016

Project 2 - USCT VCC Instructions

Happy New Year!

Here are the instructions and notes for USCT VCC that I emailed you earlier today.

The database in the VCC screens is called Project_2_VCC.

You are doing the same work for this project as you do for Project 1. The difference is that these are black soldiers and Project 1 consists of white soldiers.

Who to search for:

All children of the soldier - Census, death information
Spouse of the soldier, if she had children with the soldier - Census, death information
Step children of the soldier, same confusing rules as apply now (ask if you're not sure) - Census, death information

Soldier - ONLY search death information for the soldier if he doesn't already have it. We did not enter death information for many of these soldiers. I think Chris tried to programmatically enter it into the Death screen from the Mil Info. I haven't seen how this looks yet.

The soldier's census work should be good. If you notice any mistakes on the soldier's extant data while you're searching for the children, go ahead and correct it. DO NOT search for the NFs for the soldier. If you happen to get a hint for a missing decade, go ahead and enter it. But don't do any extra work to find missing decades.

If the soldier has no children, you may search for his death information (if it wasn't in the MilInfo), then cease work immediately. Note on your log that the soldier has no children. He will be dropped from the sample.

The database contains soldiers that were in the USCT VCC pilot project. All or most of the work should be done for these soldiers (they will probably already have a grid). Spend a few minutes (under 30 minutes, unless you find problems) spot checking the work. Then mark it complete and move on.


Follow the same instructions for Project 2 as you do for Project 1, except don't update the soldier's census information.

Please let me know if you have questions.

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