Thursday, December 17, 2015

Naming your checking documents

There was some confusion about a previous post. I've noticed several of you have started doing this incorrectly since you read the blog post.

I would like you all to change the way you name your checking documents. From now on, name them in the following manner.

SOLDIER'S LAST NAME,  Soldier's First name by Checker name

For example:

SMITH, John by Heather

This DOES NOT refer to what you type at the top of your Word document. You should still be typing the RecId, the name of the inputter, and how long it took to check. That is, you should still be including at the top of your document, everything you included before you read the original post.

This DOES refer to what you do when you hit the SAVE button, and you're asked to name your document. The above is the file name.

Please ask if you have questions.


  1. This may be a useful idea for anyone - I created a blank checking doc that I use every time I check a soldier. I have prompts at the top to remind me how to save it and what heading info I am supposed to include. This way I don't have to remember what to put on it each time. Here is what it looks like:

    [Save as: LAST, First by Irene]
    @(First Last Name of Vet), @(RecID#)
    Inputter: @
    Checker: Irene
    Full/Quick check, @(time)

    • @
    • @
    • @
    HH 0 –[NAME (#)]:
    • Year: Field – should be @
    • Year, Name (PID): Field – should be @
    • Year: You had NF, but I found by searching @
    • Name (PID) Obit: Field – should be @
    HH 1 – [NAME (#)]:
    • @
    HH 2 – [NAME (#)]:
    • @
    HH 3 – [NAME (#)]:
    • @
